Thank You For Giving On

Give a Goat!

Give A Goat

When you give a goat it changes a family’s life by providing nutritious milk and income to feed them and send the children to school. Your gift includes training in animal care and vaccinations.

Provide a Water Filter

Give A Water Filter

Your gift of a household water filter purifies contaminated water by removing 99% of harmful bacteria. A water filter allows a family to treat their water at home so their children are healthy and free from disease!

Empower an Evangelist!

Empower An Evangelist

Your gift of a bicycle, Bibles, the JESUS Film, Gospel materials, training, and support will empower an enthusiastic evangelist to reach people beyond the border of his or her village with the love of Christ.

Your Impact on Sweety

16-year-old Sweety's parents were desperately poor. They couldn’t afford to feed Sweety and her two young siblings — education was a luxury — school was out of the question.

Sweety knew that soon she’d be married off, to help ease the family’s burden.

“Our financial condition was so bad that I was always thinking, how will we survive?” said Sweety’s father, Kanu.

Then a friend like you gave Sweety a goat — and it changed her family’s life! Suddenly, they had nutritious milk ... and Sweety sold two of her goat’s offspring to help pay for school.

Today, Sweety is in the 9th grade. She loves school, and dreams of becoming a police officer when she graduates, so she can “serve the poor and helpless people” in her community.

It all began with the gift of a goat — and the compassion of a friend like you.

Your #GivingTuesday gift will make a profound difference for another family like Sweety’s.