
Your gift this Christmas will be the answer to someone’s prayer:
- The prayers of mothers for clean water for their children to drink so they can be free of parasites and sickness.
- The prayers of new believers who long for the Word of God so they can grow in faith and share the Gospel with others.
- The prayers of mothers and fathers who need a cow, chickens, a goat, or a duck to provide milk and eggs for their children to eat.
Your gift this Christmas has the power to transform lives! Please give through the World Concern Global Gift Guide!


CRISTA Senior Living
Your gift on Giving Tuesday will be the answer to someone’s prayer
The prayers of an adolescent girl in Bangladesh who needs a scholarship to stay in school and not become a child bride.
The prayers of a mother in South Sudan who needs emergency nutrition to save the life of her malnourished baby.
The desperate cries of someone held captive by fear and idolatry who needs to hear about the love of Jesus Christ and be set free.
Your gift this Giving Tuesday has the power to transform lives! Please give through the Global Gift Guide!

Children are the faces of the future, and their education is one of the most critical factors to help a community rise above poverty. Your gift of education will not only help a child but her entire village.

Family Zone