Choose a Gift
Select a meaningful gift in honor of a friend or loved one.
Give chickens to a family that will provide eggs for a family to eat and sell for basic necessities.
You can protect a child from trafficking by providing training that will teach them how to identify a trafficker's lies and stay safe.
Your gift of $40 will be combined with this same gift from 9 other people — together you will provide one of our most requested items for hard-to-reach regions of the world: the JESUS Film Kit.
Your gift of a goat will provide a child with healthy nutrition and income to go to school.
You can cure children from painful stomach parasites for less than the cost of a postage stamp.
Your gift enables a family in poverty to feed themselves and sell the extra vegetables for income.
Your gift gives a new village savings group everything they need to start saving and borrowing for business or family needs.
Provide safe, effective, clean water solutions for families and villages that are at risk because of lack of drinking water.
You can provide a scholarship for a child in poverty to attend school for an entire year.
You will prevent the spread of disease and keep entire villages healthy with soap and handwashing stations.
Give a pastor or small, rural church Bibles, discipleship training, and Sunday school supplies.
By stocking a fish pond you can help a fisherman earn an income, send his children to school, and save for the future.
You can provide a scholarship for a child in poverty to attend school for an entire year plus school supplies.
Give bees, training, and a honey extractor to a farmer, enabling them to harvest honey which they can sell for income.