When you need a glass of milk, you might hop in your car and drive to the grocery store. To pay for it, you take out a few dollars or swipe a card on the register. Then, back at home, you pour yourself a glass and place the rest in the refrigerator. It’s not something you think about – it’s just what happens.
But in some places around the world, it’s not so easy. A child in rural Kenya might not have any milk to drink or food to eat – her family is too poor. She thinks about milk a lot, especially when her tummy starts growling in hunger. Her family can’t afford to pay for her to go to school, either, so she stays at home instead of learning in class.
This is where your gift can change her life.
This Christmas, you can make a tangible impact in a child’s life by giving a healthy, baby goat in honor of a friend or loved one. This little goat can produce nutritious milk for a growing child to drink and sell so she can buy food to eat. And, when the time comes for the goat to breed, the new baby goats can be sold for extra income!
Now, with a full tummy and extra income, she can afford to go to school and learn her way out of poverty. For a child and her family, your gift of a goat is life-changing. They will be able to eat regular, healthy meals and send their children off to school.
Now that you’ve discovered your perfect gift of a goat, would you give a goat this Christmas?
Click the button below to change the life of a child and her family through the gift of a goat.